【新款琉璃珠項鍊系列-三顆】 每顆琉璃珠都代表不同的意義與故事,象徵原住民族傳統信仰的祝福。 設計師透過水晶與金工等異材質的結合,完美保留傳統文化價值,也讓商品兼具時尚與美感。 打破傳統原民飾品在配戴上的服飾與場合限制,讓每一個配戴者都能輕鬆讓文化與時尚走入生活。 Each of the glass beads represents different meanings and stories, symbolizing the blessings of the indigenous beliefs. Through the combination of crystal and metalwork, the design perfectly keeps the traditional cultural values. By breaking the barriers of venues and clothing rules in traditions, all the consumers can easily let cultures and styles walk into their life. ◎勇士之珠:熱情、戰士、無懼-(左) ◎孔雀之珠:摯愛、愛情、健康-(中) ◎眼睛之珠:守護、同情、責任-(右) 材質: ◎琉璃珠(可自由選擇) ◎地球珠(由設計師搭配) ◎金屬圈環(由設計師搭配) ◎鋼鍊 ◎金屬扣組 規格: ◎長:45-50cm(含延長練) ◎重量:3.5克 1. Colors of the glass beads can be matched with your needs. 2. The length of the chains can be adjusted. 3. Offer mass-production, customized services.

Each of the glass beads represents different meanings and stories, symbolizing the blessings of the indigenous beliefs. Through the combination of crystal and metalwork, the design perfectly keeps the traditional cultural values.
By breaking the barriers of venues and clothing rules in traditions, all the consumers can easily let cultures and styles walk into their life.
1. Colors of the glass beads can be matched with your needs.
2. The length of the chains can be adjusted.
3. Offer mass-production, customized services.